Monday, November 15, 2010

Missing my dear friend Brennie

You know, I have lost many over the years but nothing like this - this was one of my dearest friends. I can't make myself delete her phone number out of my phone. I can't delete her email out of my contacts, I can't delete folder of info she has sent me over the years.

I keep wanting to call her and talk to her - I keep wanting to ask her advice - I don't get it, why does someone have to die so young.

Why can't anyone ever find a cure for this terrible disease of cancer.

I miss you Brennie - I love you, too!!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Well, here it goes

I have decided to start doing this blog as my way of journaling - my way of expressing who I am and what I need or don't need.

I'm a bit out of sorts these days, not really sure why. Just had my 4th revision on my artificial hip - all is going ok but now I also have to have a partial knee replacement to my right knee as well. I'm nervous - heard so many not so good stories about doing this but I have also heard just as many wonderful stories. Not looking forward to the surgery either. I figure the more times I have to go under the knife the more times I am pushing my luck. I try not to think that way but it just happens sometimes. Oh well.

Things are crazy at work - going to yet another new registration system for CE students which is requiring yet one more total redesign of the CE website which I take care of. It's a lot of work and my deadline for the test site is the 8th. Found out today things have been delayed and now I have to get things ready for our current site (takes a who lot more time). Not happy but I am trying to focus on the fact that when we do go to the new system the website will be ready to go.

Well, I guess that is it for now - have a lot more to say but just not in the mood right now. See you soon.